Central Solar Museum

Illuminating a sustainable future.

Immerse yourself in the wonders of solar energy at Central Solar Museum. Discover the power of sunlight and its role in shaping a sustainable future. From solar panels to innovative technologies, explore the potential of renewable energy and its impact on our planet. Engage with interactive exhibits, learn about advancements in solar technology, and be inspired to embrace clean energy solutions.

  • History

    Central Solar Museum was established in 2008 with the vision to educate and inspire individuals about the benefits of solar energy. It was founded by a group of passionate scientists and environmentalists who recognized the urgent need for sustainable energy sources. Over the years, the museum has grown to become a leading institution dedicated to promoting solar power and its significance in mitigating climate change. Today, it stands as a beacon of knowledge and innovation in the field of renewable energy.

  • Mission

    Our mission at Central Solar Museum is to raise awareness and understanding of solar energy's potential in creating a sustainable future. Through interactive exhibits, educational programs, and community engagement, we aim to inspire individuals to adopt solar technologies, reduce their carbon footprint, and embrace clean energy solutions. By promoting solar power as a viable and accessible alternative, we strive to contribute towards a greener, brighter tomorrow.

Events in the Museum
  • Country
  • Curator
  • Director
  • Address
    53 Av. des Terroirs de France, 75012 Paris, France
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Website
  • Social Media Sites
  • Establishment Date
  • Collection Size
    2.6 million
  • Area
    807,000 sq ft (75,000 m2) in 94 galleries
  • Visitors
    1,124,759 (2021)
  • Opening Hours Weekdays
    9:30 - 18:00
  • Opening Hours Saturday
    9:30 - 20:00
  • Opening Hours Sunday
Google Map
News from the Museum

Gift Shop
Special Event Rental
Online Gift Shop
Group Tours

Cloister Hours

MON/SAT 9;30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

SUN 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Where are we?

Via Santa Chiara 49c, 80134 Na

The St. Clare Monumental Complex reminds that tickets can only be purchased on site at the time of entry.