Magnetism Gallery

Unveiling the magnetic wonders that shape our world.

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of magnetism at the Magnetism Gallery. Discover the invisible forces that surround us and influence our daily lives. From the mesmerizing dance of magnetic fields to the practical applications in industries, this museum offers a unique exploration of the magnetic realm. Engaging exhibits, interactive displays, and educational programs allow visitors to unravel the mysteries of magnetism and gain a deeper understanding of its significance in our modern world.

  • L'histoire

    The Magnetism Gallery was established in 1978 by renowned physicist Dr. Michael Williams, who recognized the need for a dedicated space to showcase the marvels of magnetism. Over the years, the museum has grown to become a premier destination for enthusiasts, researchers, and curious minds alike. With a rich collection of historical artifacts, scientific demonstrations, and state-of-the-art exhibits, the Magnetism Gallery continues to inspire and educate visitors about the fascinating world of magnetism.

  • La mission

    The Magnetism Gallery is committed to promoting scientific literacy and fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about magnetism. Our mission is to provide an engaging and educational experience for visitors of all ages, offering insights into the fundamental principles, applications, and potential of magnetism. Through interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, and informative programs, we strive to inspire a lifelong interest in science and create a deeper appreciation for the impact of magnetism on our lives and the world around us.

Événements au musée
  • Pays
  • Conservateur
  • Directeur
  • Adresse
    Viale Alfa Romeo, 20020 Arese MI, Italy
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Adresse électronique
  • Site web
  • Sites de médias sociaux
  • Date d'établissement
  • Taille de la collection
    2,6 millions d'euros
  • Zone
    75 000 m2 répartis dans 94 galeries
  • Visiteurs
    1,124,759 (2021)
  • Heures d'ouverture en semaine
    9:30 - 18:00
  • Heures d'ouverture Samedi
    9:30 - 20:00
  • Heures d'ouverture Dimanche
Carte Google
Nouvelles du musée

Boutique de cadeaux
Location pour événements spéciaux
Boutique en ligne
Visites de groupe

Horaire du cloître

LUN/SAM 9:30 - 17:00

DIMANCHE 10:00 - 14:00


Où en sommes-nous ?

Via Santa Chiara 49c, 80134 Na

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