Art Gallery

  • Settembre 1, 2021
  • Settembre 25, 2021

Step into a realm where art transcends the ordinary. Behold an extraordinary exhibition showcasing a painting whispered to possess miraculous powers.

  • Settembre 1, 2021
  • Settembre 25, 2021

Step into the captivating world of photographer Mariette Pathy Allen as her lens explores diverse narratives and initiates thought-provoking conversations.

  • Settembre 1, 2021
  • Settembre 25, 2021

Discover the captivating world of Tianlongshan Cave Temple Fragments. Unveiling ancient art, spirituality, and cultural heritage in a mesmerizing exhibition.

  • Settembre 1, 2021
  • Settembre 25, 2021

Explore the profound exhibition, Golden Mummies: Reckoning with Colonialism and Racism, as it unveils untold stories, challenging narratives of the past.

  • Settembre 1, 2021
  • Settembre 25, 2021

Discover the enchanting world of Émile Gilliéron's watercolors capturing the timeless beauty of the Acropolis in Athens. Immerse yourself in his vivid artistic interpretations.

Orari Chiostro

LUN/SAB 9;30 – 17:00

DOM 10:00 – 14:00


Dove ci troviamo?

Via Santa Chiara 49c, 80134 Na

Il Complesso Monumentale di Santa Chiara ricorda che i biglietti sono acquistabili solo in loco, al momento dell’ingresso.